A lot of people say that they are surrounded with negativity. And some of the very common dialogues are ; "You dont understand Priya, My mother in law blah blah blah and my boss blah blah !" Truly, we can all pour in our complaints and start a contest on who suffers more. And when you win the contest, you lose in life.
The solution is this. Accept that there are challenges and negativity and be prepared for it. Why complain on something that wont change ? You know that the sun is hot, and that is why sunscreen sells.
Where is your sunscreen to shield you from your daily negativity ?
Welcome to Priya's blog :O). Its a 1 minute read. It will provoke your thoughts towards solutions and give you insights I had paid a lot to learn. And best of all, you can communicate with me.
Im not bragging but I finish my business cards in every workshop. I am so busy that its impossible for me to have a chat with every person one on one. So i decided to get on radio. This way I can speak to millions at the same time. I have also put down my thoughts in the form of articles and I want to be a columinist too. And I also thought that a blog would be a great way to communicate on the net.
If you are reading this today, then you are one of the few who is really committed to taking responsibility to what happens in your life. By acknowledging my words you are expressing your curiosity to learn more and are willing to spend some time on it. And I highly appreciate that, because this is what I do too. Learn and learn and learn.
To show you my appreciation, i have a special gift for you. This gift is for all those people who began their day with my blog and were committed enough to even comment and communicate with me.
If your comment reaches me before 11a.m. India time, i will send you a gift, from my heart to yours.
Thank you for your time. Your attitude towards growth gives my life a meaning, and I have a job to do,,,, to serve.
so how can we tune in this radio station? i would like to hear you.also my suns shield is everymorning i wake up, i tell myself , today can be my last day, i better enjoy it , or it is all gone. and ofcourse i read your blog, Ms. kumar. so , all the thanks goes to you.
This blog is the best on the web. Trust me. I am very very glad to be associated in some way, with your mission.
Hey priya its so true that there is no point complaining for something you cant change so better accept it & give your best. I am really thankful to you as i said earlier also, i am learning every day something from you & from the environment i live in. Thanks for contributing so much of value to my life.God Bless :-)
Hi Priya,
I thought i'd let you know- i am completely committed to your blog and that itself is the biggest gift, I could give myself. It's a perfect way to start one's day and in a way, your blog, your energy and positivity is my sunscreen :o)
I am also glad to be a part of your mission and I am sure with your conviction, belief and enthusiasm, you will soon be reaching out to millions!
Hi Priya, Your blog is an amazing way to start the day. It makes me feel there is really a lot of goodness if I really seek. Its like aligning myself to the real world, an unknown world of immense wisdom and knowledge and good intentions( I know I drifted from the topic). And thanks for being my Sunscreen. It surely has given me hope J J
And please consider me in for your mission, it would be greta to join a cause.
I really wanna know what this gift is, I know its gonna be something that will add tremendous value. Damn excited!!!
I think the biggest lesson for me that i have learnt being a part of this organization and mission is to not blame other or let them put you do..As rightly said by you, negativity will be there, you got to protect yourself and move on.
Every negativity teaches you a lesson or give you an insight abt yourself,in some way or the other.
Thanks For writing such amazing 1min food for thought.
Hi Priya, its amazing how a few words of insight can help one get focus into one's life..and that's what your blog does for me. positivity goes a long way in reaching out to our goals, whatever they might be..and it definitely gives me the strength to dream of bigger things..
Thanx for your wonderful words!
just want to say, anuj, suraj, vishal, amrita, nupur, ankita and ofcours Priya, your names are most beautiful names ever.
Dear Priya,
I want u to help find soul mate for my daughter. Once she finds HIM, then I will consider about myself. I m a divorcee & still I m very happy, which people find very strange.Am I supposed to be brooding all my life?
Through your help I am sure I will be a better person.
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