Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wouldn't It Be Nice If....

Games are fun. They shape our character. They set up our personalities and also impact the way we think. Thats why its encouraged for children and adults alike, to enagage in sports and games as a part of their life.

There is this game I like in particular and playing it regularly will have a deep impact on the way you think, the way you manage your emotions, and the way you set the course of your dreams.

It's the game called "Wouldn't it be nice if...". Rules are simple, and can be played at any point of the day and other partners or players are not necessary, but sure helps in creating the some fun. The best time however to play this game is when you wake up to the world in the morning, and also at times when you feel low, lost or stuck.

Here is how it goes, when you wake up in the morning, spend about a few minutes playing and contemplating... "Wouldn't it be nice if.........." and you can complete the sentence with your hearts desire. This way you are acknowldeging all that you desire and also releasing it's hold on you by giving it away in a game. It's not a prayer, it's not a strong need, it's a game. You have fun, you imagine, you let it go,,, and by the way that's a very strong intention set in motion.

Try to play this game as a cheer yourself up tool when you are lost in your own web of worries. Worry is a game which is the exact opposite of "Wouldn't it be nice if.." Worry is a game that says, "Wouldnt all be ruined if...." The rules are the same, the impact is inevitable. Only one pushes you forward and the other pulls you down.

Wouldn't it be so nice if, everyone who read this finds happiness in the little things, such as the coincidence of this blog. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone greeted each other with a smile. Wouldn't it be nice if today I would be kinder and more tolerant. Wouldn't it be awesome if today I chose to forgive someone I had a longstanding grudge with. And wouldnt it be divine if today I chose to live in gratitude of all that have and more.
Wouldnt it be nice if you.... were lead to your own divinity.


GS said...

Great post Priya as always. I am going to play this game!!

Aarti Narang said...

An Amazing game to start the day setting in motion positive energy, smiles and hope for better times

Wouldn't it be nice if we get articles such as these everyday :0)

Aarti Narang said...
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Vishal said...

Hey Priya :) so true, wouldn't it be nice if I can smile at life & love myself more & every one around me.

God Always Bless You.

Unknown said...

I just cant forget about the session we had wow... Wouldn't it be nice If we get back you to Deloitte atleast once a month....

Life with a dash of Honey! said...

Hey Priya..It is an amazing game..I have started playing this gave every morning and it works wonders..I attended on of your sessions at deloitte and it was amazing..!!

Unknown said...

hi priya, this is tushar tyagi from Cox and Kings, just wanted to say that ur training session was really superb.

gaiawriter said...

I play another one with my friends when they are imagining poor futures aloud.

I say "Knowing your luck, [name]...

Then I add some wonderfully lucky thing that would happen because of their amazing good luck.

I keep adding amazingly lucky things until they stop me.

It's fun. Try it.

anna said...

s.uma said...

Would not it be nice if all of us become .... healthy with long life, adequate wealth,get famous out of noble deeds,live with blossoming knowledge and wisdom...let us day dream... let the world dream with us... i love this priya.

s.uma said...

Would not it be nice if all of us become .... healthy with long life, adequate wealth,get famous out of noble deeds,live with blossoming knowledge and wisdom...let us day dream... let the world dream with us... i love this priya.