This blog is dedicated to all the single people who are reading it. This blog is also especially dedicated to all the "not" single people who are reading it.
I am going to teach you how to attract the man or the woman of your dreams. Its amazing and it has always worked.... every single time.
If you are the kind of person who has never settled for less and who is unwilling to compromise, this is your chance. And even if you have a partner, it would be nice to have a perspective, should you find yourself single again :O)
The process is a two part process and you must do it in absolute honesty.
Part 1: Define clearly what kind of person you would want to spend the rest of your life with. Put intention and clear thought in this. Be very careful of what you want, because in Part 2, I will tell you how to attract this person.
I am so eager to hear your comments and response.
Finish Part 1 and read Part 2 tmw :O)
Hmmm... :)
The person i would want to spend the rest of my life, shoud be:
1. PURE from the HEART
3. Very calm, peaceful, POSITIVE and CHILLED OUT about Life.
4. Someone very very HONEST
5. SWEETer than sugar
6. Very CUTE
I know its a long list, but this would be my ideal life partner. Even if i do not find someone with all the points, only the 1st point will also do.
but the question is.. Woh ladki hai kahaaan :)
If its eight things you want, then you must find a tally of eight. Why compromise ? If you will compromise on your lover, you will land up compromising on your love too :O)
Never settle is the key word !!
This is very interesting...i'm eager to know what part 2 will contain...
Hey Ankita, you get to part two only when you reply to part one :O)
i will have to put a lot of intention and thought to this.
Will reply by tonight.
Hey.. I stumbled upon your blog.. quite precisely at the time I was asking myself the question : "Where is Mr. Right?"
And, like you said, I don't know what I want from my Mr. Right. I could easily list out qualities but that list would be lacking in character and quantity. It would also hold invalid after some time.
I guess I've realised I won't even recognise the one who loves me simply because he might not be loving me the way I want to be loved!
Hey nice you stopped on my blog and even commented. To be able to attract Mr. Right in your life you need to know what you want. Otherwise, your relationships would be a series of trial and error. And that leads to a lot of heart breaks and confusion. Clarity is the key to be in love and to stay in love.
:) and hence, i have been looking for it! thanks
Well my list for the perfect guy is as follows:
-Street Smart
-Good physiqie i.e well built
-good looking
-Has a heart of gold.
-Emotionally stable
-An achiever
-Shares/ believes the same mission as i do
-Daring and courageous
-Loves me endlessly
-Considerate and giving
-Thoughful and a good listener
-Encourages and motivates me
-Loves kids
Looking forward to tomms blog now
Sorry for the late reply today..
But wanted to carefully think this through..
My ideal woman would be understanding, caring, smart, empathetic, genuine, sincere, trustowrthy, loving, open, honest, charismatic, interesting, adventerous, passionate, kind, patient, ambitious, successful, strong, hot..
i guess that would be it ;o)
Lets see , a woman that shares my interests like reading and listening to music and walking, going to movies , there must be the physical attraction ofcourse, someone who i can sit in silence with sometimes and not feel uncomfortable, they must love animals and be kind smart and honest. and they must have a sense of humor and like to kiss a lot.
good looking
and most important is
i want her to be rich.
thank you
No excuses ...very sorry for the late reply. I already have a life partner & according to me she is the BEST :-) i got much more thn i wanted. Thanks to God for everything!!!!!!!!
I love how Jitu puts it... I want her to be rich :O)
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