I have done many workshops on Visualisation. Its a process that i absolutely believe in. For those of you who are not aware, let me introduce it to you. Visualisation is a process in which you "Imagine a result you want to create, as if it were real and has already happened !"
Jim Carrey took this process to another level. He was on Oprah once and said that he wanted to make a million dollar cheque. At that time when he set this goal he was hardly making 20,000$ a year. So he wrote himself a million dollar cheque and he kept it in his wallet. He would see the cheque every single day and visualised "owning" the money. It was 2 years later that he signed the movie Dumb and Dumber and got paid a million dollar cheque. Jim Carrey even showed the tattered cheque that he had kept with him for 2 years.
Sometimes reality is far from our ideal world, and sometimes it may take 2 years for things to fall into place. But the process of visualisation keeps our focus on track, it helps in keeping disappointment, dejection and depression at bay. A person who is a believer, is always an achiever. Even if it takes 2 years to shape up.
"It's not about the million dollars," Jim Carrey said in conclusion, "Its who i became as a result of my pursuit that counts, a bigger and better person."
I have written myself a cheque of 1 crore and dated it January 2008. Life has a nice way of catching up, every cheque i ever wrote out to myself has manifested.
I was seeing my vision board, and my life is on track just the way i want it.
Its really an amazing feeling ! Try it !
Oh My God!!
You really are a one minute coach.
If I follow everything on your blog, I'll have gained so much clarity!!
Thanks, really!! You make me think and put those thoughts to some good use.
PS - Do you want a mailing address?
I really like this technique and have tried it after you explained it to me.
But maybe-i just need to do this more consciously.
it's simple and yet so powerful.
Thank YOU!
I had written a cheque of an x amount 2 months before and had it in front of my eyes on my vision board every single day. And the result is that I got the cheque of that amount.
Now, i have increased the amount, will let you know when i achieve that !!!!!
Visualisation has helped me achieve my targets. I absolutely believe on it. For me it is the most powerful tool of all.
Hey thts so coool!!! I completely agree to what you said that I need to believe & visualize what I want thn only I can achieve it. Now I need a favor from you, it will be great if you can provide me a cheque of Rs.1,00,000/-(Without signature will also do), I will keep that in my wallet. Thanks a lot :-)
I am going to write myself a cheque of Rs. 15,00,000 dated 25th dec,2007.
Thank You for providing so much clarity to my life .
I've jus about started to use the technique of visualization.lets see if it turns my dreams into reality!
hi mam i tell you this is such a great knowledge to know.and its really true i believe in this system because i tried so many time and i got what i want.
ma'am i have one request to you that i know about the visualization but i want to know very clearly so i can achieve what ever i want.i want to know the whole process.
thank you
Following the Blog, I have written myself a cheque of the amount I wanna earn. I have put it on my desktop so I see it and keep the feeling of owning it real always.
I will visualize having it even stronger.
As you rightly said, it’s the person I become in the bargain, in my journey to earn that cheque, which is of prime importance.
Thank You “One Minute Coach”
Wow Coach!! THank you so much for that brilliant technique. I shall put it into practice right away!! :) Thank You so much :)
hi Priya,Few months back a glass piece penetrated in my sole & could not be located as it was transparent. Sonography showed change in structure just above heel. All the i consulted gave no guaranty for removing glass as it did not show but they all suggested an immidiate operation as ther was swelling & pus formation. I was very upset. Then i rememberd your training on visualisation. I visualised that Dr opens the affected part & sees the glass, removes it & restitches the cut. It takes about 10 minutes to complete the operation.As Dr could not guess the time taken for locating the glass, I was given general anaesthesia.The moment I came to senses I asked Dr how much time it took. He said "10 minutes" & showed me glass piece, smaller than rice grain.
It worked.
Now i will keep on doing it for various reasons.
Thank you Priya
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