If you want to know the route to success. Know that success is only built on success. Success is never built on failure.
Imagine this. You are lined up for 5 meetings in a day. You are all fired up and in great spirits as you reach your first appointment. The man makes you wait for 45 minutes, and then when he does eventually meet you, turns down your product as crap. How fired up are you for the next meeting ? Research has shown that the dive in enthusiasm and energy is almost 60% immediately after the first rejection. Understand this, that success is not built on rejection, success is only built on success.
In my research i have seen that successful people have set themselves up for success and unsuccessful people have set themselves up for failure. Its a trap we lay for ourselves.
Here is the trick. When you wake up in the morning, you have to beat yourself and declare yourself a success. For example, when i go to the gym, and i know i can run for 30 minutes. I set myself up to run for 33 minutes. The extra 3 minutes are killing but i feel triumphant after that. Thats success, and now i am in a spirit of heightened energy. You can even do small things such as waking up five minutes early, or cooking breakfast. The point is to do anything which will truly make you feel that you "achieved something" or "you did something worthy" or "you contributed". Come to think of it. Thats true success :O)
Should you find yourself rejected or down in the middle of the day. Play a small game and win. I would challenge myself to arm wrestle with someone skinnier than me and win :O) I would play a 2 minute "let's see who blinks first" game and win ! Its amazing, how winning even a small game on the mobile phone can put one back into the spirit of success.So go ahead and be a winner, today and everyday.
Interesting concept..the deal is to build on an initial success.. and yes, i can see how it builds one's confidence..must look for my kickstart!
good thing to know, SUCCESS IS BUILT ON SUCCESS, i will think of all the moments when i felt that i have achieved something so that what i get in future is SUCCESS!!!!
This is soo true. So many times, i get up early and go for a morning walk, even though i have my vacations on!! I feel so charged up and fired up for the rest of the day.
Success is built on success - will keep this in my head :) always..
this is so cool.it means all the success depends on me.if some thing happend wrong and i feel failura so how will come up on that.becz that time in my mind only wrong thing is going.
but thank you so much now it feel that to achieve success is not that much hard.now only thing i have to do is i have to achieve small small success and than go for big success.
i love the simple examples you have given to feel like a winner in no time at all...i can see the value it will add in creating a state change.
Thank You
I have an important day today. And what i do is set myself up for success, by playing for success, so the confidence carries on the whole day :O)
That is a wonderful thought! Youre Right! It has happened that when a first meeting goes off well, the rest of the day becomes very eventful!!! Things seem easier to do. This is the best quick read ever. The idea of winning by doing a bit extra is awesome.
hey thts so coool.I will start a successful day by doing exercise every morning atleast for 15mins. Thats a big achievement for me to do it regularly.Thanks for starting my day with a thought of SUCCESS.
What i would really suggest is that you start your day with a small sucecss game. Even something like skipping 30 times quailifies. Just set a target and achieve it. And watch how your day unfolds into a magical success :O)
building success on success will make success a habit. I will definitely put this into practice and spend each moment with the attitude of a winner.
Thank you for all the wonderful insights :o)
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