I was doing a personality development session at Indo American Society several years ago and I can never forget this 11 year old boy who attended my class.
Here is his story...
This 11 year old boy came to Indo American Society to attend the workshop, only there was a slight problem. The receptionist told him that the workshop was for children who were 13 years onwards, and since he was 11, he couldnt attend. The boy took the brochure and sat down on the sofa, he didnt go away. After 15 minutes he came back to the receptionist and said, "The brochure doesnt mention that only 13 years onwards are allowed." The receptionist was speechless. "Could you speak to the facilitator and check if I can attend, because I dont want to go back as I can see that there is no mention of the age in the brochure ?" The receptionist did not want to accpet defeat and said,"The session cannot be disturbed, maybe you can call tomorrow and I will let you know." "It's ok, I will wait until tea break." he persisted, "I can always catch up with the session".
At tea break, a very sheepish looking receptionist walks into my class and points at the boy, "Why cant an eleven year old attend your class ?" he asked me without an introduction. "Who said you cant ?" I asked amused at his confidence and style. He pointed at the receptionist and said, "She didnt let me in".
Ofcourse, the boy stayed in my class, and he was such a delight to have. His passion towards learning, his enthusiasm and his courage to question the system made him different from the rest."
I dont know what I taught him, but I sure learnt a lot from him. I always remember him whenever someone tells me, "You can't......" and instinctively my answer is "Says who ? Can I have a word with that person ?" And more often than not, there is no person behind the opinion, its just an assumption.
I remember him as an eleven year old boy who attended my class to teach me a valuable lesson of life.
Hello, I was in Alibagh yesterday and there was no net connection, so i couldnt post the blog. But Im glad you did come on the site to check it out ;O) Thanks. Im quite touched.
Have an outstanding day.
a simple yet really powerful lesson.
Thank you..
Super!! I generally follow this and question anything that I feel is not justified. At the end of it, even if i don't succeed, there is this satisfaction, that i TRIED :)
Thank you for the beautiful post :)
Hye priya there’s so many big things to learn from this small boy,
I really liked his willingness to attend session, his petitions, his research idea, and above all his entire attitude not to give up!! One shouldn’t give up by listening anyone else, many time one say I cant do that and without attempting he looses, we can always learn thing form people around us……. By G8 day 2 all……..
Yes! that is so true, our own assumptions about our limits become our limits. I guess the first step towards success is to believe that one CAN succeed.
Thank you!!
Persistence always pays. I have experienced it personally. I remember being persistent with priya to take me on board and i even had pursued her after attending the indo american class.
I always look for a reason behind the assumption.
I do believe in persistence always pays & that is where i lack. Will now be persistent in whatever i do & i will need your help to do that. Thanks, for helping me many a times & i know i will get support from you in future also. Thanks once again.
Hi mam i could instantly remember one sentence after reading your blog which i have learnt from you only: "Where there is a WILL there is a WAY". Thank you so much for it.
I would firstly like to appreciate your spirit to learn even from a 11 year kid. Persistence is one of the major key to success. Thank you so much for reinforcing the lessons we must always remember.
Cool kid.
Hi, I love to read your blogs. I loved your comments about 11 year old that you learnt a lot from him. Only a true teacher can say that she/he learnt from student. Now i realise that i missed so much in life. Why did not i learn from everyone around me. I was an egoist.Thought i could learn from Teacher or elders only. You have opened my eyes. Thanks once again
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