Today is Set A Good Example Day !
What that means is that today you will make a decision and do things that will set a good example for others to follow. You see we all wish the world were a better place. And wishes remain wishes, until we do something about it.
We all wish that our city would be clean, but unconsciously we chuck the empty gum packet on the road. We wish that our colleagues were more supportive, but unconsciously we also dont support them. We wish our parents were more understanding, but somehow we never made the time to listen to them and understand their greater concerns. We wish that we would be richer, but we didnt understand that wealth and money are a state of mind and that when we change the way we think and work, we change our income.
Its only a matter of time that wishes will turn into complaints, if we keep doing the opposite of what needs to be done.
You need to ACT upon what your ideal world is. You need to act in the correct direction. So how does one know whether the action is in the right direction or not ? Its simple ! Ask yourself, "Would I want others to do this to me or my world ?" If the answer is "Yes !" DO IT. And if the answer is "No". Dont do it !
So next time, when you get up from the dinner table, ask yourself, "Would a compliment on how delicious the food is, make my day ?" If the answer is "Yes" go ahead and compliment your mom.
Live your life by this principle, and if even a handful of us, vow to set a good example for the rest of our lives, the world WILL BE a beautiful place. Thats my promise.
So, today until next Friday I am celebrating "Set a Good Example Week". There would be an amazing JackPot to win by the most inspiring "Set a Good Example" story that would be submitted by you guys.
Who knows, you may on radio with me, sharing your story :O)
So go ahead, and set a good example. Thats what TRUE leadership is about.
Hi Priya, you are right!
Simple and small gestures that I could conscoiusly do would actually make such a big difference. When I expect people to be nice to me, i should keep in mind too, what i expect out of others is something they want and expect too.
I loved the example of complimenting mom on small things like "the food was good". Its such a small thing yet creates an impact.
And its an amazing theory to ask myself "would I want others to do it to me"
I am joining you in The "Set a Good Example week"
Thanks "One Minute Coach".
Already upto setting an example and would be great help if you can sign this online petition for Capt. Saurabh Kalia
Here Capt. Kalia's story- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saurabh_Kalia
P.S.- How long did you live in Chandigarh?
Hi Priya mam, I had always followed what u had thaught me & also applied it of which I had got the best results there are so many examples like my fast recovery from accident, incerese in my income, my properties there are so many miracles happeing in my life. Thats only because one of the strong valuable reason of " set a good example" which u had thaught which i will continue not only for one week but for my whole life like whole life insurance policy which give benefits throughout life to others or own family.
Hi mam you are right,before you want to see any change in this world or any other person before that you have to change your self.
once you change your self than you can see or feel changes in other or in this world.
I'll consciously ACT on this. Before I decide to go and change the world, i must first change myself.
Thank you. Really. You're hte "best example" for me!
hey this is 'being the change you want to see'. our surroundings are totally a reflection of our own attitude!
I need to apply this more consciously in my Life, Ask questions before i react.
Yes i am with you priya, i love to do that & will put more conscious effort to "set a good example". Thanks
Hi Ma'am,
I love this concept of "Being the change you would want to see in the world" :)
I am definitely 'in' and am gonna observe this week as a set an example week too :)
Hi mam,
Very true. All these principles are there in the back of almost everyone's mind but when it comes to implementation it is tuff, not because it is difficult but because it is not a habit, i will make conscious efforts to "Set A Good Example"
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